Reporting on Kafka Connect Jobs
At the risk of diluting the brand message (i.e. testing kafka stuff using Clojure), in this post, I’m going to introduce some code for extracting a report on the status of Kafka Connect jobs. I’d argue it’s still “on-message”, falling as it does under the observability/metrics umbrella and since observability is an integral part of testing in production then I think we’re on safe ground.
I know I promised a deep-dive on the test-machine journal but it’s been a crazy week and I needed to self-sooth by writing about something simpler that was mostly ready to go.
Kafka Connect API
The distributed version of Kafka Connect provides an HTTP API for managing jobs and providing access to their configuration and current status, including any errors that have caused the job to stop working. It also provides metrics over JMX but that requires
- Server configuration that is not enabled by default
- Access to a port which is often only exposed inside the production stack and is intended to support being queried by a “proper” monitoring system
This is not to say that you shouldn’t go ahead and setup proper monitoring. You definitely should. But you needn’t let the absence of it prevent you from quickly getting an idea of overall health of your Kafka Connect system.
For this script we’ll be hitting two of the endpoints provided by Kafka Connect
GET /connectors
Here’s the function that hits the /connectors
endpoint. It uses Zach
Tellman’s aleph and
manifold libraries. The
function returns a deferred that allows the API call to be
handled asynchronously by setting up a “chain” of operations to deal
with the response when it arrives.
(ns grumpybank.observability.kc
[aleph.http :as http]
[manifold.deferred :as d]
[ :as json]
[byte-streams :as bs]))
(defn connectors
(d/chain (http/get (format "%s/connectors" connect-url))
#(update % :body bs/to-string)
#(update % :body json/read-str)
#(:body %)))
GET /connectors/:connector-id/status
Here’s the function that hits the /connectors/:connector-id/status
endpoint. Again, we invoke the API endpoint and setup a chain to deal
with the response by first converting the raw bytes to a string, and
then reading the JSON string into a Clojure map. Just the same as
(defn connector-status
[connect-url connector]
(d/chain (http/get (format "%s/connectors/%s/status"
#(update % :body bs/to-string)
#(update % :body json/read-str)
#(:body %)))
Generating a report
Depending on how big your Kafka Connect installation becomes and how you deploy connectors you might easily end up with 100s of connectors returned by the request above. Submitting a request to the status endpoint for each one in serial would take quite a while. On the other-hand, the server on the other side is capable of handling many requests in parallel. This is especially true if there are a few Kafka Connect nodes co-operating behind a load-balancer.
This is why it is advantageous to use aleph here for the HTTP requests instead of the more commonly used clj-http. Once we have our list of connectors, we can fire off simultaneous requests for the status of each connector, and collect the results asynchronously.
(defn connector-report
(let [task-failed? #(= "FAILED" (get % "state"))
task-running? #(= "RUNNING" (get % "state"))
task-paused? #(= "PAUSED" (get % "state"))]
(d/chain (connectors connect-url)
#(apply d/zip (map (partial connector-status connect-url) %))
#(map (fn [s]
{:connector (get s "name")
:failed? (failed? s)
:total-tasks (count (get s "tasks"))
:failed-tasks (->> (get s "tasks")
(filter task-failed?)
:running-tasks (->> (get s "tasks")
(filter task-running?)
:paused-tasks (->> (get s "tasks")
(filter task-paused?)
:trace (when (failed? s)
(traces s))}) %))))
Here we first define a few helper predicates (task-failed?
, and task-paused?
) for classifying the status
eventually returned by connector-status
. Then we kick off the
asynchronous pipeline by requesting a list of connectors using
The first operation on the chain is to apply the result to d/zip
which as described above will invoke the status API calls concurrently
and return a vector with all the responses once they are all complete.
Then we simply map the results over an anonymous function which builds a map out of with the connector id together with whether it has failed, how many of its tasks are in each state, and when the connector has failed, the stacktrace provided by the status endpoint.
If you have a huge number of connect jobs you might need to split the
initial list into smaller batches and submit each batch in
parallel. This can easily be done using Clojure’s built-in partition
function but I didn’t find this to be necessary on our fairly large
collection of kafka connect jobs.
Wrap these functions up in a simple command line script and run it after making any changes to your kafka-connect configuration to make sure everything is still hunky-dory.
Here’s a gist that wraps these functions up into a quick and dirty script that reports the results to STDOUT. Feel free to re-use, refactor, and integrate with your own script to make sure after making changes to your deployed Kafka Connect configuration, everything remains hunky-dory.